Better Late Than Never
That’s probably true for most things.
The Little-Known Groundhog Day Cactus.
Apparently, there are three types of holiday cacti: the Thanksgiving Cactus (which blooms October to November), the Christmas Cactus (which blooms November to January), and the Easter Cactus (which blooms “around” Easter). Surprisingly, despite their names, holiday cacti aren’t true cacti. They are epiphytic succulents that grow in moist, shaded environments, not deserts. A classic case of mislabeling. Words matter, after all.
I have had a Christmas Cactus growing in a pot on my breezeway for several years now. It began as a cutting from one of my mother-in-law’s plants and has grown into a large, healthy specimen. It is watered and occasionally fertilized, but mostly it’s left to its own devises and continues to thrive. Weirdly, however, it always blooms on Groundhog Day and reaches its most vibrant peak around Valentine’s Day.
As far as I know, there is no official classification for the Groundhog Day Cactus (or Valentine’s Cactus, for that matter). Thus, I assume that my holiday cactus is simply a late bloomer. My plant seems content enough to do its own thing on its own time. Am I disappointed it doesn’t bloom in time for the Christmas holiday? No, of course not. I’m just happy it blooms at all. Better late than never . . . .
Why Does the TBR Stack Never Shrink?
Tallying the Books I Read in 2024

I didn’t reach my goal, but I am hardly disappointed.
Most (if not all) writers will tell you that you need to read in order to write—or, more specifically, to write well. The general advice is to read deeply within whatever genre(s) you write but also to read widely across multiple genres. That’s excellent advice, to be sure.
However, such advice doesn’t come with extra hours in the day to help facilitate all of that reading. I don’t know about you, but my “To Be Read” stack of books is not so much a stack as a bookcase. A very large bookcase. Possibly several bookcases. And for all of my good intentions to read, read, read, I can’t seem to shorten that TBR stack (or clear those bookcases) . . . .
It’s a love-hate relationship, isn’t it?

The Fatigue is Real
I have to admit that I hate setting goals. To me, they are a necessary evil that propel me forward (or sometimes drag me kicking and screaming) and enable me get s#*t done. Upfront, let me say I’m no expert on goals—setting them, sticking to them, achieving them—and I have no magic formulas. There are plenty of experts out there who can help you find a system that works for you so that you, too, can get s#*t done.
For me, I found that having a simple journal that covers a four-month period helps me tremendously. I set out goals for this period (no more than three) and then track my progress through the weeks. Each day, I schedule my time, list my targets (small, daily goals), and record my wins (however small). And I do all of this by hand . . . .
To be (on a podcast) or not to be . . .
That is the question facing a lot of authors these days.

Bouchercon 2024
This year, Bouchercon 2024 was held in Nashville, TN. For those who have never been, Bouchercon (more formally known as the Anthony Boucher Memorial World Mystery Convention) is an annual event for fans and creators of mystery and crime fiction. Each year, the event attracts over 1,500 readers, writers, agents, editors, publishers, and booksellers, who gather together to connect as a community and celebrate the genre.
I had the honor of participating in a panel discussion, intriguingly titled: Only Murders in the Building. The conversation focused on the benefits and downsides for authors of (1) making guest appearances on podcasts, and (2) hosting their own podcast . . . .
A Fresh Start
New Series, New Genre, and a New Newsletter

New Series
I had this idea for a story . . .
Like most authors, my new book began years ago with a vague idea for a story. This particular tale would be set in St. Augustine, Florida, not far from where I live. It would feature two protagonists—a woman on the cusp of middle age and a teenage boy. As the story unfolds, we’ll find both of them at a low point, having lost everything. However, by helping each other, they’ll gradually reclaim their happiness.
While this premise was intriguing, I wanted to inject more excitement and danger into the narrative. Consequently, the woman became a reluctant, novice private investigator, and the teenage boy developed the ability to communicate with the dead. As you might imagine, such an uncanny gift can be a curse in a town as old (and reputedly haunted) as St. Augustine . . . .