It’s a love-hate relationship, isn’t it?

The Fatigue is Real

I have to admit that I hate setting goals. To me, they are a necessary evil that propel me forward (or sometimes drag me kicking and screaming) and enable me get s#*t done. Upfront, let me say I’m no expert on goals—setting them, sticking to them, achieving them—and I have no magic formulas. There are plenty of experts out there who can help you find a system that works for you so that you, too, can get s#*t done. 

For me, I found that having a simple journal that covers a four-month period helps me tremendously. I set out goals for this period (no more than three) and then track my progress through the weeks. Each day, I schedule my time, list my targets (small, daily goals), and record my wins (however small). And I do all of this by hand . . . .